What Would Jesus Buy?
In honor of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and All the Buying Things Days from now until approximately December 25th, your Queen Ghosties, Lindsay, Meg, & Sarai bring you a deep dive into all things Christian bookstores, products, and marketing. They also take a perplexing look at why Christians are such brilliant capitalists whilst claiming they follow a broke carpenter who, apparently, "never asked for a raise" (listen if you want to be extra grossed out by what this actually means).
Bottom line: we get into what we thought and bought as young Christian babes. Hear how Lindsay worked in not one, but TWO Christian bookstores. Learn how Sarai does real time podcast research to confirm her suspicions that the White Jesus Gets Us (erm, "He Gets Us") ad campaign has something to do with politics (shockingly, it does!)...and enjoy as Meg reveals her strange and wonderful journey from coveter of "the hottest Bibles" to Christian Bookstore-eschewing crone.